Here are excellent books for your library collection. I have read every one and highly recommend them. If you are like me you will want to have a hard copy on hand so you can mark and underline and refer to them often.
This was one book I had on the back burner for a long time but I'm really glad I got around to reading it. Even if you don't have a digestive problem I bet you know of someone who does. This is a must for someone who wants to learn how to improve and heal damaged digestives systems that result in conditions of autism, dyspraxia, ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, depression, schizophrenia, asthma, or eczema.
This book will take you back to a diet that God intended for us to eat and and show you the consequences of not doing so. Insightful and scriptural!
This book is great for parents of small children and will make a great baby shower gift. I personally met Dr. Lipski and I know that the knowledge you will gain from this book will be very helpful in caring for the health of your child. Dr. Lipski covers many digestive conditions and offers natural healing options.
This is one book I certainly would not do without. I personally met Dr. Lipski and attended one of her seminars. I especially like this book because you can look up any digestive illness you may have and will find much advice on natural healing and what supplements will help your condition.
This is the book that started me off on the trail of health. Some say it's a cookbook but I call it an "everything" book. It's loaded with healthy recipes but doesn't leave you with just recipes. A lot of history and research is revealed in this book and it has great reading on every single page. This is a book that is hard to put down and will give you the insight to know what real food is and how to prepare it for even healthier benefits.
I bought this book so that I could be prepared should I hear the words, "you have a cavity." I do not want to get another amalgam filling in my mouth. I already have several from childhood but do not want to have any more since I learned that toxins in the filling can leach out for many years. This book is very educational and I read through it twice. It will teach you how to avoid tooth decay or what to do to heal it.
This book opens with a delightful journey with the author on her quest for real food from her childhood to present. She is a down to earth writer and easy to understand. She reveals what to eat and why and has informative chapters on produce, meat, dairy, fats and others. I especially like the chapter on how the wrong kind of fats are harmful and have caused widespread cardiovascular disease. The author reveals how some foods are processed making you want to avoid eating them ever again.
Almost to good to be true but it is. Eat Fat to Lose Fat explains why this is true and gives insight and education on what healthy fats are and how to lose weight by eating them. If you like coconut, you will love this book. It is filled with coconut recipes! Even if you don't want to lose weight you will love this book for it's information on how consuming healthy fats can be the answer to many health issues. Rich content!
I enjoyed this book even though it is not one that I would say that you would start from the beginning and read to the end. You can skip around reading about what problems you may have and see how magnesium has a role in your health and certain diseases. Our soils have been depleted leaving many of us magnesium deficient. Magnesium is an essential nutrient and this book explains some magnesium deficient conditions.
Shocked to say the least is what I felt when I read this book. The author reveals how we as Americans have become unhealthy. I felt sad as I read this book since I realized that so many people do not understand why they are sick and there are not many voices out there pointing them in the right direction. You will be armed with the truth about processed foods with this book and will be able to help educate others. Has to be one of my favorites! A real eye opener!
This was one of our required textbooks at Hawthorn University - a must have for finding out the best way to select, cook, and store your food.
If you want to know the truth about cholesterol, this book is for you. Find out what the real culprit to heart disease really is. It's really one of my favorites!
I recommend all of these books. I have read them all and many others, so I'm not just throwing a string of books out here. They have great information which will help you make wise food choices. While I recommend them highly, I would not be very loving if I did not mention to you that while we can educate ourselves for better living and maybe avoid a bed of long-term illness, reality is that one day no matter how healthy we are, we will die. So if you are truly looking for an eternal life full of health and disease free, then I recommend to you the Word of Life - the Holy Bible. Read it and heed it because no truer words have ever been spoken and everything that is within will surely come to pass - I can promise you this. Jesus Christ is our only hope for eternal life. Admit that you cannot do enough good to save yourself and believe that He is the only one who can save you by His taking your punishment for sin on the cross and confess that He is Lord and you will be saved. This is truly the healthy lifestyle! Find a Bible believing church and join to make a difference in other people's lives. I'd be glad to hear from you if you have made this decision so that I can rejoice with you.