Milk Kefir Supplies
These are high quality plastic mesh strainers that are great for straining milk kefir grains. Plastic is preferred since metal may react with kefir grains.
This is a very handy little device. I use it to strain whey from my milk kefir; however, the mesh is not fine enough and the kefir goes right through without straining the whey from the kefir. What I do is line the strainer with a large coffee filter. Works great, especially when you only want or need a small quantity of whey. No big mess to clean as the coffee liner comes right out and you can lay flat on a paper towel and scoop all the kefir cheese from the filter. I really like this device also because it is small enough to store in the refrigerator and it has a snap on lid.
This little cloth bag comes complete with drawstring making it easier to tie up kefir milk to drip.
This food processor is great for making cultured kefir butter. I enjoy mine for many other uses as well.
I enjoy my stick blender for making kefir smoothies and it can't be beat for making mayonnaise right in the jar. Use wide mouth canning jars and you can just make it right in the jar. I use the wide mouth pints for making mayonnaise and I use the wide mouth quarts for smoothies. I use the wide mouth gallons for kefiring the milk with the grains added.
I really enjoy my wide mouth 1/2 gallon canning jars. These jars come in so handy for other uses as well.
These are the wide mouth quart jars, also good for making kefir and perfect for using the stick blender listed also on this page. I use the stick blender for making smoothies and for making mayonnaise.
These are the wide mouth pint jars perfect for using your stick blender to make mayonnaise.