![]() Have you learned the truth about exercise? If not, this post will have you change the way you look at fitness and your health and you will be excited to know that you no longer have to spend hours upon hours on the treadmill. Just minutes a day will get you in the best shape of your life. I'm looking forward to it. Want to join me? It has long been held that to achieve fitness and burn fat, long hours on the treadmill every week would do the trick. Sustained cardio exercise is what most people think is best. I don't know about you but this has never been something that I looked forward to. Doing time on the treadmill had two strikes against it in my opinion. For one, it's just plain boring and you find yourself knowing things that you never wanted to know like how many tiles or holes are in the celing? It's so boring that's why TVs are put in front of the equipment at gyms and why you need a headset. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? And the second strike against it is that not only is it boring but it is just down right time consuming. There's only 24 hours in a day and if you have an hour's travel time to and from work that leaves little time for family and other important things like preparing healthy meals. So for these reasons, I have not found the desire to exercise but I was excited to learn the truth about exercise and to know that the two biggest strikes against it has been eliminated, plus knowing that it is better for you than longer workouts made it all the more attractive. With a shorter workout with greater intensity you can get better results than the long cardio workouts on treadmills or ellipticals. This type of exercise will boost your metabolism long after you are done, which is the key to effective weight loss. This method of exercise is for everyone, for those who are in poor health to those who are the most fit. I learned this from a class led by my chiropractor, Dr. Rob Meadows of Meadows Chiropractic in Auburn, Alabama. Surprisingly, long cardio exercises can raise stress hormones like cortisol and endorphins. Cortisol stimulates appetite, has catabolic properties, increases fat storage (this was a shocker), and slows down and inhibits exercise recovery. The problem too with sustained cardio exercise is that with this type of exercise you are in a slow fat burning mode only during the length of the exercise. What is really needed is an exercise that keeps you in the fat burning mode long after the exercise is finished. This is called metabolic conditioning and it stimulates the Human Growth Hormone with an after-burn effect of 24-48 hours post exercise. Humane Growth Hormone is a vital hormone that is key for health and longevity preventing heart disease and other diseases. Metabolic conditioning is achieved by short bursts of high intense exercise of only 20 seconds with a 20 second rest. This would all be accomplished in 12 minutes per day making it a 6 minute workout with a 6 minute rest. Every day can be different so that you will never get bored. For instance, you may have each day of the week set aside to work on a different type of exercise such as endurance, coordination, flexibility, speed, strength, or balance. I bought the DVD called Max T3 but you do not have to purchase this to implement this program. You do not need any specific exercise equipment either but here are a few suggestions that you might like to have. You can actually do this without any equipment. All you have to do is choose any exercise. It can be weight lifting, marching in place, working out with an exercise ball, steps, lunges, swimming, bicycling, dancing, jumping jacks, push ups, etc., anything at all, even just sitting in place lifting cans or weights in hands for those who have bad knees or backs. The 3T in Max T3 stands for Time, Type, and Tempo. I have discussed the Time and Type. The Tempo is such that you want to do the 20 second sessions by going all out - really work at it - do it to the MAX. Don't despair if you can't give it your MAX but just do it with as much intensity as you can. Many times I fall short of making it the full 20 seconds with full intensity but I just keep going as best as I can. With time, I'll be able to make it the full 20 and I know you will too. I started today. Want to join me? Here's our program in a nutshell: 1. Do any exercise for 20 seconds with much fervor and to the MAX. Put your whole heart into it. 2, Rest for 20 seconds. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 two more times doing the same exercise (total time = 2 minutes). The above is considered a round. Change to a different exercise and repeat the round until you have done 6 rounds for a total of 12 minutes, that's it, 12 minutes and you are done with it! Plan to do this about 3 times per week. |
![]() Here is the garden all nice and freshly tilled using our labor saving tiller. Tomato cages are anchored and ready to hold all those potential tomatoes. Pretty soon it will be a battle with the horn worms but I'm armed and ready with bucket in hand and chickens awaiting nice juicy worms. ![]() You won't find fresher fruits or vegetables than from your own garden. I thought I would post a picture of my young garden. I did not get it planted as early as I would have liked but in just a few day's time here are the results of tilling, connecting and laying soaker hoses and planting. I think I could just pull up a chair and watch it grow if I did not have so many other things to attend to. Since we no longer raise quail for commercial hunting preserves, we decided to use the flight pens for gardening. It really makes a great place for this since it is all enclosed and the deer cannot get to it and the soil has been organically fertilized by quail droppings over the years. We attached a total of 8 soaker hoses to pvc pipe connections so that we can water the whole garden with a turn of a valve. This is an improvement over last year's sprinklers. In the foreground I have cucumbers, zuchini and yellow squash. Midway down are peas and at the end is corn. On the other side, we have a long row of tomatoes and more peas, peppers, okra and green beans. There are a few strawberry plants that you see just on the other side that we planted last year and they are spreading this year. I used organic seeds and plan on raising this garden without herbicides or pesticides so I'm in for a lot of work. The picture reveals a freshly tilled ground and you can see my foot tracks. Most of our country's produce comes to us from long distances. According to The Packer website on fresh produce, the top supplier of vegetables to the U.S. is Mexico. That means from where I live that produce would have to travel around 1,000 miles from the field to my table and I wonder how many hands had to touch it and how many pesticides and herbicides were used. LiveStrong.com in their post entitled "how to avoid fruits and vegetables from Mexico sprayed with chemicals states that, "Prolonged exposure to pesticides has been shown to increase your chances of cancer, neurological and developmental problems and a weakened immune system, says Dr. Charles Benbrook in an interview conducted for "Nutrition Action Newsletter." Avoiding foods that have been treated with pesticides in Mexico may take some effort, but doing so protects you and your family's health. Pesticide use in Mexico is not as regulated as it is in the United States, and some farmers don't understand the correct dosage to apply to their crops. Choosing produce from alternative sources may be safer." The site goes on to list 5 ways to choose produce wisely. 1. Avoid produce from Mexico, 2. Buy organic fruits and vegetables, 3. Buy locally - many local farmers grow their produce without pesticides or herbicides but cannot afford to get the organic status. You would need to inquire about how the vegetables and fruits were raised to be sure, 4. Wash your produce no matter where it comes from and 5. Dine at restaurants willing to tell you where they purchase their produce. I hope that if you have a garden, it will be very successful. I will keep you posted on what happens with my garden through the summer. I have already seen a couple of things I would correct but since it is up and growing I will leave it as it is and just learn from it for a better next season. Gardening supplies I use.
The FDA has discouraged its use but has not put an end to it because bromate was sanctioned for use before 1958. This is the year that made it possible for food additives to be banned if they caused cancer but since bromate was accepted before 1958 then it will be harder to ban.
Now you may be wondering where bromate shows up in our food supply. Mostly, it is added to flours. Bromate suppose to break down during the baking process but if the product is not baked long enough or hot enough there could still be remaining bromate. Bakers add bromate to the flour to improve dough quality since it strengthens the dough and allows it to stand up to dough hooks and it reduces the mixing time. Your health takes a back seat to time and money. Bromine is used as an additive in the forms of potassium bromate and brominated vegetable oil. See my post on Brominated Vegetable Oil, or BVO for short, to see if your drink contains this additive. ![]() Many thanks to The Market at Blooming Colors in Auburn Alabama for hosting a third sourdough class. Ginger Purvis, the Market manager is always so delightful and accommodating. I look forward to working with her again soon. I took these pictures when I arrived for the class but I let all the students get away before I remembered that I had not gotten their picture. So I would like to at least say thanks to Kathy King, Crissy Clark, Ashley Schake, Don Brown, Laura Perry and Tricia and Guy Davies. My motto with my classes is "I'm not successful until you are." I enjoy keeping track of my students and hearing of their successful bread baking. When I arrived home from the class I already had an email from one saying "It was so fun!" Thank you, and I had fun too! ![]() I love the rustic look and the grounds are always beautiful and inviting. ![]() What beautiful color God has created. I know you'll want to shop at The Market after seeing this. Click here for information on how you can join a sourdough class. |
Debbie Vail, NC
Greetings from east central Alabama and welcome to my site. I am a graduate of Hawthorn University, a leader in holistic education. See more about me and my educational experience. Please see my resources page for your supplement needs Categories
April 2021