Here's the basic recipe; I hope that you will give it a try. I changed it a bit, adding more fat. This makes a lot of crackers, and if this is your first time to try, maybe you want to cut the recipe in half.
5 cups organic sprouted flour (I have used spelt, red and white wheat - they all work well)
1 16 oz. container of Erivan Yogurt (any plain yogurt, buttermilk, or milk kefir will do)
2 sticks butter, melted (grass-fed is best)
1/2 cup Expeller pressed (without coconut flavor) coconut oil or good quality lard, melted with the butter
1 tablespoon aluminum-free baking powder
2 teaspoon sea salt (I added much more. I like salty crackers - just taste the dough and you'll know how much to add)
Put everything in a bowl. A machine can be used, but I just mixed by spoon until too stiff then I mixed by hand.
Mix well and take about 1/4 of the dough and roll out onto a baking stone (I wish I had more than one stone. a flat stone is best with no lip, so as to not interfere with cutting). Roll thin - about 1/8 inch or less. Use a pizza wheel cutter to score before baking. Bake at most any degree in the oven. Set on convection if you have it. The hotter the oven the shorter the baking time. I baked at 350 for about 20 minutes and I have also baked at 200 for about 5 hours or more. You want to bake til crisp, but not brown. Take a cracker out of the oven and let cool. If crisp, then take out the whole batch. If not, keep baking. A dehydrator can be used lined with parchment paper.
Enjoy! We did tonight - topped with pieces of cheese. These crackers are really good! They tend to mellow out the next day and are even better.
You do not want to overbake (brown), because if we didn't have enough to be concerned about with all the additives added to our foods, there's another evil called acrylamide, which is produced naturally with high heat, especially in the presence of starchy foods. For more on acrylamide see the Dr. Oz article or the FDA article.