I'm happy to share with you yet another great alternative to sugary sodas. I just received from Amazon this past week, my Soda Stream soda machine. It doesn't use electricity, so it can be placed just about anywhere. It's fun to use and really neat to have that soda pop tongue tingle that I remembered so many years ago.
But wait, I know you are wondering about the ingredients. Well, this little fizzy drink can be compared to those very expensive Perrier Lemon Lime Sparkling drinks that are so popular now. Perrier Sparkling Water contains only carbonated water and a little flavoring - that's it. There's no sugar and no artificial sweeteners of any kind, but the carbonated flavored water hits the spot when you don't want all that other bad stuff, and the taste is really good, plus the fact it gives us more opportunity to drink water.
This little soda machine will put an end to lugging Perrier bottles from store to home. I bet you can get the kids to convert over to this soda and give up all the sugar. Even if you don't think a complete no sugar taste will go over, this machine will still make a great alternative, because just a small amount of the pre-mixed sugary flavors can be added. With time, less and less sugar can be added, so this makes a wonderful transition type soda.

The machine comes with sample packs of flavors, both sugar and diet mixes, which I'm not a fan of, so I ordered this little trio of flavors from Amazon as well. It only takes 1/2 teaspoon for a powerful little taste, and again, these flavors contain no sugar or artificial sweeteners - just flavor, and fun! For an even more natural drink, just add a little fruit juice of your choice; fresh squeezed would be tops.

To make flavored carbonated water, just fill your bottles with cold filtered water. I fill my bottles with water and put them in the refrigerator for use when I'm ready. All you have to do then is take a bottle out of the refrigerator and screw it into the nozzle on the machine and press a button. Then you add your flavoring, put the top back on and sit back and drink. That's it!
I give this machine a two thumbs up!