As most of you know, I've been in training with Hawthorn University. I have to say that I love my schooling and all of the knowledge that I have gained and that I am continuing to gain. With all that knowledge, it has led to an incredible diet and lifestyle change, and today I can proudly say that I am no longer on the past medications that were once a big part of my life; medications like sleep aids, cholesterol, blood pressure, and diuretics. With a personalized design plan and targeted supplementation, it sure does feel good to be free from prescriptions. I have been wanting to use my knowledge to help others in the same ways that have helpd me, and so I have been taking a few clients now, but I do limit my numbers since I still devote much of my time to my studies.
Then something happened that really changed that for me. So now, do I love it? Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say that, but at least I have had a revelation that has made me love the results. I think that prioritization is the key, and prioritization of exercise won't happen unless there is a reason to prioritize it. I can now say that exercise is a priority in my life. Here's why. Since I want to be able to test blood glucose levels with my clients, I purchased a blood glucose meter. One day I did an experiment on myself. I took my blood sugar reading before I exercised and then again after I exercised. The result - a 14 point drop in blood sugar! I knew from my studies that it should do this but somehow seeing is believing. Then on a second incident, I went for an eye exam last week and the technician needed to take my blood pressure. Since I don't have high blood pressure on my home monitor, I still knew that it would be high in an office setting, since I've been told many years ago that I have "white coat blood pressure." That's a term given to people who get high blood pressure from simply entering a medical facility. So I told her that it would probably be high, but then she took it and she said that no, indeed it was normal. What a nice surprise! I attribute that to diet and lifestyle factors, exercise being the most recent targeted regular addition.
So let me encourage you to get up and get moving. It doesn't have to be a big deal. And really, I would advise against prolonged high intensity exercise, as it can cause excess cortisol release leading to disease. Here is a low impact, no frills 25 minute workout that I like. I've done it so much that I don't even need to see it anymore. I just recorded the words on my digital voice recorder and I use that instead. You can even put your own music on if you'd like since there is none provided. I like that because most of the songs I hear are not to my liking anyway. If this YouTube video is too easy for you, try adding some hand or leg weights.
OK, go get busy! And please comment on this post and let me know what exercise you enjoy doing.