Let's see here if I can dig up a little history about why most people believe that margarine is better than butter. Many years ago people didn't even have margarine or vegetable oils. They had good old saturated animal fats from animals allowed to graze on green grass, not confined and pumped with antibiotics to keep alive due to improper diet and crowding. Did you know that McDonald's even used beef tallow for their fries until the 1980s?
The first margarine plant opened in the 1870s in America. Margarine is cheaper to produce than butter so most of the time when you think something is not right just remember to follow the money trail.
Did you know that margarine is really not yellow like butter?. In processing plants they bleach and dye it because if you saw the color that it really was when it's processed with high heat and pressure you would not buy it. I know of some people who still remember that when margarine first hit the shelves it came with a packet of yellow dye that you could mix into it. The reason you had to mix it was because the butter people fought the margarine people over selling their product to look like butter so the margarine people just added a color packet for people to mix it themselves.
Not only do processing plants bleach and color, but they have to deodorize it as well, because it smells bad after all that rough treatment of processing causing rancidity. Margarine and vegetable oils are made from very fragile oils and so they go rancid quickly.
Not only does bleaching, coloring and deodorizing occur , these oils contain too many omega 6 fats and the Standard American Diet swings far too much to the omega 6 fats leaving an unhealthy balance with Omega 3 fats and most sources I've checked agree that too many Omega 6's is one of the culprits of heart disease.
Modern vegetable oils and margarine are not real foods that promote health. Choose butter - it's for real, especially if it comes from organically raised cows on green grass. The more yellow the butter the more the green grass the cow was eating. Grain fed cows do not produce this rich yellow color, instead a whiter, waxier butter, but grass fed cows do and this yellow color means that it is richer in carotene and Vitamin A and has a balanced Omega 6 to 3 ratio with many other benefits not mentioned here.
Photo Credit: Flicker