In a blender add: (2-3 Servings)
1 Handful Fresh Organic Spinach Leaves
1 Quart Milk Kefir or Plain Yogurt (unsweetned)
1 Can Unsweetened Coconut Milk
2 Tablespoons Maple Syrup
1 Dropper Full of Sweet Leaf Brand Liquid Stevia
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Flavoring
5 Drops of lime essential oil

Blend until smooth and chill. Can't wait to chill?, then add a few ice cubes to the blender. If you don't have the oil, then use fresh squeezed lime juice. Adjust any ingredient to your taste.
Anything with lime in it should be green - eye appealing, right? Spinach to the rescue, and it certainly adds some green vegetable to our diet, which lacks in this area.
Enjoy! I know you will.
Check out these Milk Kefir tools and supplies.